Friday, January 18, 2013


‘My sons teacher asked me today if I’m interested in getting extra lessons at school for him’, how does a 2 year old get extra lessons? The sentence above set the tone between I and colleague about foundation in life being extremely important and the basic building blocks for a successful individual. ‘I thought that was the job of a cell?’

Her argument was thus, a good foundation sets the tone for an individual to make it in life and is always a plus. Being a beneficiary of a good foundation, the evidence is forensic. A 1st class graduate at the age of 22, an employee of a top 1st generation bank taking on tasks at her age that took me years to master.

Her line of argument gave me a eureka moment that has bothered me for a dastardly long time. Why are women such bad and terrible drivers? The answer is simple and direct: Foundation. Driving a car overtime has grown to be seen as a fairly mundane task. A driver is among the most poorly paid jobs in Nigeria. In actual fact, however short the duration of a journey, the lives of the occupants of such vehicles rests in the competence of the person driving the vehicle irrespective of the social or financial status of the occupants. 

Driving a car is far more demanding than it is made to appear. For women which this piece is centred on, 70% do not have any formal drivers training. 95% have never seen a highway code let alone open one. A more abysmal 99% only learn how to move a car using an automatic transmission; they never get learn to drive a manual transmission. If you ever dare ask why they choose to ‘move’ only an automatic transmission car? You’ll definitely get this response, ‘a manual car is way too complicated’. 

‘Moving’ a car isn’t complicated, driving one is……’ the faulty foundation of taking an easy out approach to driving comes to play through the life of 99% of women drivers. Terrible drivers are a menace on the roads. ‘Moving’ a car goes beyond taking the car from point A to B. it involves steering, changing directions, braking as well as accelerating and obeying certain rules and regulations that govern road use as is documented in the High way code for which every driver in the committee of nations observe.

Get the ladies back on the test track, no fancy cars just the basics. A rickety beetle!!!!!!