It seemed like any other day. I’d hitch a ride to about 70% of the way home then fly a bike for the rest of it. It was panning out to be one of such days, the sky had turned really dark and it looked like I was gonna be beaten blue-black by the rain which was coming fast. As I got out of the Car, I stood briefly at the bus-stop. The Okada guys had hiked up the fares because of the rains which were fast approaching. I couldn’t even get one to take me home.
From the back ground I heard the rumbling sound of what was clearly a monster!!!! It was a Power Bike, in retrospect I don’t know if it was the fear of being drenched, I flagged the biker down as he was about to get on to the Highway( I naturally have a fear of bikes, I’ve had 2 bikes accidents, the last one less than 2years ago) . I said dude, can I go with you? He nodded yes and revved the Engine so violently… oh my, I was scared!!!! In my state of confusion about getting on the bike or not, 1 other skinny chap waiting for a bus or something said “chairman if you no wan enter commot make I follow the guy”.
I needed no other push, I got on the Bike and ohhh my!!!!! It was to be the most Adrenaline filled 5 minutes of my Life!!!!! It was a 500CC Honda bike. It clocked out at 280Km and the engine Revved all the way to 14,000 RPM. Just to give you an idea of how mad the engine revved, take a look at the next car you get into, it’s not going to rev past 7000 RPM before it red lines. This bike was a screamer and so did I also scream all the way till I got off. In less than 5 seconds we were already doing 180KM/ hour on a stretch of road that a regular car will struggle to attain 100Km/ hour.
This bike had more gears than D-Banj has sun glasses. As if the biker knew it was my 1st time on a power bike, he was riding like he was mad, overtaking everything in eye’s sight!!!! Leaning from the left to right, the bike pitched and dived as he got of the clutch to the brakes and back again. I’ve been in quite a number of cars, some fast some slow, some really fast. But nothing has the kind of acceleration this thing had!!!! It’s got to be illegal???
I can confidently tell you, that short of owning a Lamborgini Murceilago LP 670-4SV, there’s nothing that can accelerate that fast. I was still screaming by the time we got to my stop and didn’t stop for another couple of minutes… it was a pleasant one….. I loved Slama, but I’m glad she’s gone. Only your exit could’ve paved the way for such a mad and obscene ride!!!!!