On 07/07/2007 i walked from the Redemption camp to Berger Bustop a distance of Over 50Km's. I had 2 reasons to complete that journey 1, Man-Mekus was throwing a Binge-drinking Party and My colleague was walking the Journey with me. Had i turned around and gone home i'd have been the Laughing stock in my office. James(my colleague) was Skinny, i was Big-bonned( a natural bias was already in place). He's Dad was a Police man and you can be sure some of the Drilling he got at home worked for Him, through the 50Km walk James never looked like he was going to break down. I on the other hand stopped countless number of times,Cursing the people responsible for the traffic on a supposed Expressway. The trafic was out of this world. The reason for it, is better left for another day. Three years after that Horrid day i had a terrifying reminder of just what happens when over 15 million people travel solely on the Road, It rained Elephants and Lions on the 07/07/2010 in VI which got me thinking there's got to be an alternative to us all driving?
The Terrafugia Flying Car
What you see in the video is absolutely real!!!! its called the The Terrafugia flying car. Here are the Stats: The two-seater vehicle uses its front-wheel drive on roads at ordinary highway speeds. But once it arrives at an adequate take off spot, it can extend its wings, take off and glide through the sky at 115 mph.The vehicle can go 460 miles and carry 450 pounds, but requires a runway that is at least a third of a mile long. It fits into a standard-sized garage. This Flying car was created by MIT Engineers!!!! Getting around in Lagos in 1 of these things will be a beauty. From Epe, to Badagry in no time. Nigeria, we're almost 50... we gotta sit up?????